Diane Quero I have been making art since I was child. I loved looking at things and imagining how I could/would change them. All through my life my response to what I saw around me has been about figuring out how I could visually reinterpret these things. It is this challenge that has been the impetus create.90 Gerard WalkLuquy47@aol.com Text 631-921-8883 /ArtworkSERIES DESCRIPTIONS#3 Cardboard Series. 2021-2022A series of 5 recycled cardboard constructions in plexiglass "Early Spring" 2023, Oil on Canvas 20" x 16" "Thinking of Ukraine # 6", 8" x 10" painted cardboard in plexi glass frame Thinking of Ukraine #1, primed, painted cardboard, 8" x !0" Thinking of Ukraine #2, primed, painted cardboard, 8" x !0" Thinking of Ukraine #3, primed, painted cardboard, 8" x !0" Mad Rush (music by Philip Glass), cardboard, paper sheet music, 8" x 10"